MCW Model Worksheet
This is the final chapter of our MCW Model journey together. I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom and how to apply these principals during a difficult moment or impasse with a client.
The next step is to take the information you’ve gathered from the website about mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom and identify personal methods that help you to get in touch with and practice each element of the model.
Throughout the website I provided examples that work for me. Now it’s your turn to identify what helps you to be mindful, to be compassionate, and to act with wisdom. Remember, you are unique; your experiences, beliefs, and knowledge are unique. So too will be your personalized version of the MCW Model.
You can click on the link below the worksheet and it will open in a new window. The worksheet can then be printed and used to personalize the MCW Model.
Click below for an audio explanation.

Below is an example of how I completed my worksheet and how I would use it during a session.